Seat tilt on
Rise III:
On Rise III the seat tilting function is electrical and controlled via the hand control.
You switch between the lifting and the tilting function on the switch placed on the left
hand front of the chair. The switch is placed here in order to be easily accessible, even the
chair is standing in a shower cubicle.
In case of errors in the electrical system, the yellow lamp on the hand control will blink
rapidly. This may happen in 2 different situations:
After charging (see below), the built-in computer goes through a security check
routine in order the make certain that both the electronics and the batteries are fully
operational. During this check routine the yellow light blinks slowly and lifting is
impossible. If the hand control is put back into the charging station before the check
routine has been finalised, the system will record a malfunction and the yellow light
will start blinking rapidly.
In this case, remove the hand control from the charging station and wait until the
yellow light stops blinking. The chair is now ready for use.
If the yellow light keeps blinking rapidly, even 30 – 60 seconds after the hand control
has been removed from the charging station – or as a result of normal activation of
the hand control – a failure in the electronic system has occurred.
This button to
lift or tilt
This button to
lower or tilt
I n this position
the lifting
function is
I n this position
the tilting
function is