Thank you or uying a BORETTI pro uct which ha een anu acture to the highe t uality tan ar
to eet your re uire ent
We reco
en you care ully rea thi ooklet in which you will n in truction or in tallation hint or
u e an aintenance The In truction or U e apply to e eral er ion o thi appliance Accor ingly
you ay n e cription o in i i ual eature that o not apply to your peci c appliance
Thi cooker hoo i tte with a 3-core ain ca le with a tan ar 10 16A earthe plug
Alternati ely the hoo can e connecte to the ain upply ia a ou le-pole witch ha ing 3
ini u contact gap on each pole
Be ore connecting to the ain upply en ure that the ain oltage corre pon to the oltage on
the rating plate in i e the cooker hoo
Technical Speci cation Voltage 220-240 ingle pha e 50Hz 220 V - 60 Hz
En ure the cooker hoo i tte in co pliance with the reco
en e xing height
To en ure the a e operation o thi cooker hoo we reco
en that the hoo houl not e tte
elow 65c or electric or 0c or ga the ea ure ent taken ro the ur ace o the cooking
appliance to the un er i e o the cooker hoo
It i a po i le re ri k i the hoo i not ite a reco
en e
To en ure the e t re ult the cooking u e houl e a le to ri e naturally towar the inlet grille
on the un er i e o the cooker hoo an the cooker hoo houl e po itione away ro oor an
win ow which will create tur ulence
I the roo where the hoo i to e u e contain a uel- urning appliance uch a a central heating
oiler then it ue u t e o the roo eale or alance ue type
I other type o ue or appliance are tte en ure that there i an a e uate upply o re h air to
the roo En ure the kitchen i tte with an air rick which houl ha e a cro - ectional ea ure ent
e ui alent to the ia eter o the ucting eing tte i not larger
The ucting y te or thi cooker hoo u t not e connecte to any exi ting entilation y te
which i eing u e or any other purpo e or to a echanically controlle entilation ucting
The ucting u e u t e a e ro re retar ant aterial an the correct ia eter u t e u e
a incorrect ize ucting will a ect the per or ance o thi cooker hoo
When the cooker hoo i u e in con unction with other appliance upplie with energy other than
electricity the negati e pre ure in the roo u t not excee 0 04
ar to pre ent the u e ro
u tion eing rawn ack into the roo
The appliance i or o e tic u e only an houl not e operate y chil ren or people who are
in r without uper i ion
Thi appliance u t e po itione o that the wall ocket i acce i le
Thi appliance i not inten e or u e y per on inclu ing chil ren with re uce phy ical en ory
or ental capa ilitie or lack o experience an knowle ge unle they ha e een gi en uper i ion or
in truction concerning u e o the appliance y a per on re pon i le or their a ety
Chil ren houl e uper i e to en ure that they o not play with the appliance
Any per anent electrical in tallation u t co ply with the late t regulation concerning thi type o in tal
lation an a uali e electrician u t carry out the work Non-co pliance coul cau e eriou acci ent
or in ury an woul ee the anu acturer guarantee null an oi
The wire in thi ain lea are coloure in accor ance with the ollowing co e
green yellow earth
lue neutral
rown li e
A the colour o the wire in the ain lea o thi appliance ay not corre pon with the coloure
Содержание PRO 1000 IX
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