12/2018 - Z-EN-09001-id-A Exi-Gb
2.4 Flammable products
Atmospheric conditions:
Atmospheric conditions:
Atmospheric conditions:
Atmospheric conditions:
The standard atmospheric conditions under which it may be assumed that Ex equipment can be
operated are:
Temperature: -20...+60
C / -4...+140
Pressure: 80...110 kPa (0.8...1.1 bar) / 11.6...15.9 psi
Air with normal oxygen content, typically 21%v/v
Ex equipment operating outside the standard temperature range must be tested and certified
(e.g. for ambient temperature range -40...+65
C / -40...+149
Ex equipment operating outside the standard atmospheric pressure range and standard oxygen
content is not permitted.
Operating conditions:
Operating conditions:
Operating conditions:
Operating conditions:
Vortex flowmeters operate outside the standard atmospheric pressure range, which means that
explosion protection, regardless of the zone assignment, is fundamentally not applicable for the
measuring unit (piping).
2.5 Equipment category
Vortex flowmeters are designed in category II 2 G and EPL Gb according to EN 60079-0 and
EN 60079-11 for use in zone 1. The inside of the measuring unit is also approved for zone 1.
Operation with flammable products is only permitted as long as no explosive fuel/air mixture
builds up inside of the piping at the same time the atmospheric conditions are exceeded.
The operator is responsible to ensure that the flowmeter is operated safely in terms of the
temperature and pressure of the products used. In case of operation with flammable products
the measuring units must be included in the periodic pressure tests of the piping.
Definition of zone 1 according to EN 1127-1, Appendix B:
An area in which an explosive atmosphere, as a result of the mixture of flammable substances in
the form of gas, steam or mist with air, under normal operation may occasionally occur.