This safety requirement symbol has been adopted by the International Electro-technical
Commission, Document 66 (Central Office) 3, Paragraph 5.3, which directs that an
instrument be so labeled if, for the correct use of the instrument, it is necessary to refer
to the instruction manual. In this case it is recommended that reference be made to the
instruction manual when connecting the instrument to the signal source and USB host.
The CAUTION symbol denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operational procedure,
practice, or instruction that, if not followed, could result in damage to or destruction of
part or all of the instrument and accessories. Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION symbol
until its conditions are fully understood and met.
The NOTE symbol is used to mark information that should be read. This information can
be very useful to the operator in dealing with the subjects covered in this section.
The HINT symbol is used to identify additional comments that are outside of the normal
format of the manual and provide users additional information about the subject.