b) The machine is not filling with water. Check that:
- The tap is open and the pressure is suff icient.
- The electrovalve f ilter is not clogged (Section 4.2).
- The f illing hose is not kinked.
c) The machine will not drain or spin.Check that:
- The drainage hose is not kinked.
- The drainage pump f ilter is not clogged.
If the event any doubts or anomalies which arise, ring the TECHNICAL
ASSISTANCE SERVICE, but first, make the following checks:
a) The machine is not working. Check that:
- The door is properly closed.
- The fuses are not brown and the automatic cutout has not been triped.
- The programmer control button P (or the push-button X) is not in the STOP position.
d) The machine is filling with water and draining at the same time.Check that:
e) The machine is vibrating or making a lot of noise. Check that:
- The block release operation has been carried out (Section 2.1).
- The washing machine is properly levelled (Section 2.3).
- The washing machine is not vibrating due to contact with furniture or a wall.
f) The machine is leaking water. Check that:
- The f ilter cap is tightly closed and with the trim in ist place.
- The inlet hose is tightened on both sides and with the trim in ist place.
- The detergent used is loose powder and is not forming lumps which clog the
soap drawer.
- The washing machine is well levelled and not leaning forwards.
g) The machine is not washing to your satisfaction. Check that:
- You have chosen the right temperature an program.
- You are using the right dose of detergent.
- The f ilter is not clogged and so the rinses are not working properly.
h) If the loading door will not open, remember that:
- The pilot lamp (if there is one) must be off. If it is not, press the button to
the STOP position and wait about 2 minutes before trying to open it.
If after making these checks, the doubts or abnormalities continue, then call
our Technical Assistance Service who will attend to you as soon as possible.
The telephone number can be found in the control list of Technical
Assistance Services, or on the own machine customer attention and
Technical Service DIRECT LINE label.
- The drainage hose is positioned at the right height (Section 2.2) and that it
is not syphoning because the diameters of this hose and the drain where it is
resting are very tight.
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