Fill the detergent dispenser with detergen t.
The mar king indicate s the dosing levels , as
illustrate d on right:
The place of main wash cycle deterg ent placed.
The place of pre-wash cycle det erge nt placed.
Plea se o bserve the m anufacturers do sing and storage
Recommendations as stated on the detergent pac kaging.
Close the lid and press until it locks in place.
If the dishes are heavily soiled, place an a dditiona l
detergent do se in the pre-wash detergent chamber. This detergent will take effe ct during the pre-wash phas e.
Fill in detergent
You find information about the amo unt o f detergent for th e single programme on the last page .
Please aware, tha t according t o the level soiling and the specific har dness of water d ifferences are possible.
Please observe th e manufacturer's rec ommendations on the de tergent packaging.
C utlery with w ooden, horn china or
mother-of-pearl handles
Plastic ite ms that are not
O lder cutlery with glued parts that is not
temperature resistant
Bonded cutlery ite ms or dishes
Pewter or cooper items
crystal glass
Steel items subject to rusting
Wooden platters
Items made from synthetic fibres
heat resistant
Some types of glasses can becom e
dull after a la rge number of washes
Silver an d aluminium parts have a
tendency to discolour during washing
Glaz ed patte rns may fade if m ach ine
washed frequently
Are not suitable
Are of limited suitability
Don't put powder det erge nt in to the dispenser until you're read y to wash dishes .
Use only det erge nt specifically m ade for use in dishwashers. K eep you r deterge nt fresh and dry.
Prop er Use of De terg ent
Dishwasher detergent is corrosive! Take care to keep it out of reach of c hildren.
U se a mil d detergent that is de scribed as 'kind of dishes'. If necessa ry, seek further
informati on from detergen t ma nufacturers.
For particular item s, select a p rogramme with a s low a temp erature.
To prevent da mage, d o no t take gla ss a nd c utlery out of the dishwasher imm ediately
after the program me h as ende d.
C onsider buying utensils which are ide ntified a s dishwashe r-proof.
Содержание TSG 707
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