slack by hand. Run the camera again for
several seconds to make sure that everything
is okay (check that the film is advancing
normally and the loops do not scrape the
body). Replace the lid and lock.
Footage Counter
The footage counter indicates how much film
has been exposed. Once the camera has
been loaded, the counter will read FEET.
Run the camera until the figure “0” appears
opposite the white line in the indicator
window. This indicates the film leader has
been taken up and the camera is ready to be
The counter will automatically return to “0”
when the lid is removed.
When shooting a 24 fps, there is the option
for an audible CLICK every second indicating
that 8 inches of film has passed through the
camera. This can be useful when timing a
pan or zoom shot. For an audible CLICK,
move the audible signal select lever down
when loading film; for no click place the lever
in the “0” position.
Problem and Probable Cause
Film is black:
Variable lens shutter was closed
Lens cap left on
Exposure incorrect
Film underexposed, images reversed; with
color film, general orange tint:
Film incorrectly loaded with the base facing
forward instead of the emulsion
Jumpy Images:
Loops formed incorrectly
Shrunken film stock
Prevailing red-orange tint:
Using tungsten lamps with a daylight film or
an underpowered tungsten lamp
Obscured Images:
Turret Incorrectly positioned
Telephoto lens on turret obscuring view of
other lenses
Partly obscured pictures:
Telephoto lens in the way of the taking lens or
turret badly positioned
Parallel scratches on the edge of the film:
Dust or particles of emulsion in the film gate
Camera poorly loaded
Frame Counter
100ʼs of Frames
Frame Reset
Frame Counter
The frame counter is helpful for lap dissolves,
double exposures, and animation.
The upper dial adds the frame in forward
run and subtracts them in reverse (0 to 50
The lower dial totals in unit of 50 frames.
It will subtract when the camera runs in
Indicators are from 0 to 1000 frames.