Taxi, take-off and climbout continued…
It is advised that the follow section about the take-off procedure is read
before actually performing it. A lot of things will happen very quickly.
Apply brakes and smoothly advance the engine throttles forward to 40%
N1. This is to allow the engines to stabilise and ensure that they are in sync.
Release the brakes and press the A/T button. The engines will now spool
up to take-off power.
Apply forward pressure on the yoke until 80KNOTS. This is to allow a
greater degree of control over steering. At Vr, gently pull the yoke back
and maintain 15 degrees of nose up pitch. Once a positive rate of climb
has been obtained, retract the gear.
Continue to manually fly the aircraft and try to follow the magenta bars
on the PFD. At 500ft engage the autopilot by pressing the A/P button.
You will need to press the VNAV button again, after pressing the A/P
button to reactive it. Adjust the ND display range as appropriate.