time:preset 30min,range 20~99min,step 1 min.
P7 Weight loss LEVEL:preset 1,range 1~10,step 1.
time:preset 30min,range 20~99min,step 1 min.
P8/P9 Custom time:preset 32min,range 20~99min,step 1 min.
PROGRAM has 32 levels in all
SE01~SE32) and the pre-set
values all are lowest value.
program execute value (setting time can execute
in 32 level averagely
P10 HRC distinguish as 65%、75%、85%、THR (Target Heart Rate) This
function must be attached with heart beat to finish.
Dot Matrix window displays HRC.
The program aims to exercise heartbeat. During operation, the heartbeat value is
equal to the pre-set value, the angle and speed will keep steady to maintain the
heartbeat value in certain range to achieve the exercising effect.
After you select this mode, it will order you to put in value according to
operating style below
1. Under start/ready status, press PROGRAM
to select the PROGRAM
of P10 (HRC). The corresponding picture will display on the Dot
Matrix window. Press ENTER to confirm and enter editing program to
control function.
At this time, Dot Matrix window will display AGE. The values in
the AGE window will blink(So does the Calories window).Press
to adjust the age(age range: 13~80,the preset is 30,step is
1.) The program will reckon the target pulse value according to
the input age and press ENTER after confirmed.
Dot Matrix window will display 65% control mode. Press
select among 65%、75%、85% and THR.
Under control mode, press ENTER after confirming.
If enter 65%、75%、85% control mode, adjust the age (age range:
13~80, preset : 30,step is 1.) The program will reckon the
target pulse value according to the input age and press ENTER
to enter TIME setting menu after confirming.
If enter THR control mode, Dot Matrix window will display THR
and BPM (PULSE window) window will blink and press
adjust the age (BPM range: 50~220,preset: 100,step is 1.)
After confirming, press ENTER to enter TIME setting menu.
Dot Matrix window will display TIME, blinking. Press
select TIME, DIST and CAL to set. After selecting, press ENTER to
enter this function to edit the values. After setting, press ENTER
to confirm and press START to perform the program or after setting,
directly press START to start. It is performed when the time is
counted down.