Windows and button instruction:
1. One big LCD window display the following function:
Distance, time, speed, calories, pulse, circle, body fat date, ring course.
2. Fuction button: stop, program, speed +, speed -, i, incline -, model, start, speed fast
button 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12KM/H, incline fast button: 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15%.
A. Program button: under the stop, play the model button could circle choose program:
manual program-P01-P02-P03-P04-P05-P06-P07-P08-P09 –body model:
B. Model button: under the manual, play the model button into time count down
adjust-calories count down adjust-distance count down adjust-usual model-time
count down—
C. Start: under the stop, play it will start the motor.
D. Stop / enter button, when the motor running, play stop, the motor will stop.
E. Speed +: under setting, put it will add the setting number, under motor running, play
it will add the speed.
F. Speed -: under setting, put it will reduce the setting number, under motor running,
play it will down the speed.
G. I: under motor running, play it will add the incline.
H. Incline -: under motor running, play it will reduce the incline.
I. Speed fast button: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12KM/H. Under motor running, play it will adjust the
speed to the number display.
J. Speed fast button: 0,3,6,9,12,15%, under motor running, play it will adjust the incline
to the number display.
Program/start instruction
1. Program instruction
A. One manual program, it include: usual model. time count down, calories count