Elevation Motor has a problem moving
Check Elevation Motor power wires are connected
correctly on the MCB.
If OK, then change the Elevation Motor.
Motor Power Circuit problem
Usually accompanied by an Error 52
on the Display
Change Motor Control Board
Data Cable or
Safety Key issue
If the Display has no power check if the Data Cable
is connected correctly or damaged.
If the Display has power, check if the Safety Key is
installed and then try to start the treadmill. If
“Please Put Safety Key” appears on the Display
then check the Reed Switch wiring is connected
correctly to the Display.
If the wiring is connected correctly then check the
Reed Switch is in the correct position inside the
console within range of the safety key magnet.
Check the reed switch is functioning correctly by
testing continuity on the reed switch.
The DC Voltage BUS is over its limit.
110V North American units should be
170 V DC so anything over 190 V DC
causes an Error “U”.
220V International units should be
350 V DC so anything over 380 V DC
causes an Error “U”
First, Check the AC power into the machine, it
should not exceed 125 V AC (N/A) or 240V AC
If the Power into the machine is OK then likely
solution is to change the Motor Control Board.