Assembly Instructions
A s s e m b l y S t e p 5
H a r d w a r e R e q u i r e d
Page 9
After complete assembly: If the computer
not picking up your hand pulse signal
(or you are getting inaccurate readings),
Please refer to our “Troubleshooting”
section on
Page 12
for other troubleshoot
BRB 5007
#30. Screw (M5x12 mm)
[4 pieces]
Monitor Assembly
Remove the four
Screws (#30)
that are pre-assembled on the
back of the
Monitor (#37)
and set them aside.
Connect one Wire on the
Monitor (#37)
to the corresponding
Sensor Wire 1 (#38)
and also connect the other Wire on the
Monitor (#37)
Sensor Wire 3 (#40).
Use the four
Screws (#30)
that were previously removed to
mount the
Monitor (#37)
to the
Front Post (#06)
The assembly process is complete; however, please read all
safety instructions in this manual as well as many safety/warning
labels on the unit before use.
Please ensure all nuts, bolts and knobs are securely tightened
before using the unit.