There is one optical device mounted on an aluminum bracket. The opto controls the tear position.
Removal or adjustment of the opto should be done without removing the bracket from the paper
guide. The opto position is factory set and adjustment should not be necessary
To adjust the tear position, use the INC/DEC CUT1/2 settings on the control panel. (see appendix A)
The printer should cut the ticket just behind the perforation. For printers which do not come with
control panels, adjust the cut position as described in the following paragraph. The ticket should
never be cut in front of the perforation
Note: Before making any opto adjustments make sure your ticket stock was manufactured to proper
ticket specifications
If you are not able to get the desired tear position, make sure your ticket stock was manufactured to
proper specifications. For major adjustments, loosen the two adjustment screws. Slide the opto
forward or back on the opto bracket until the desired tear position is achieved. Tighten the
adjustment screws and run a test ticket to ensure the tear position is correct.
Once a year the optos eyes should be blown off with air. This interval will vary depending upon the
environment and the quality of the ticket stock.
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