Bob Perry Ducker Pro 2 – Manual – Page 15/18
2) Pumping Beats
You are into electronic music and want to get this cool contemporary pumping bass? No
problem with Ducker Pro 2. Try ducking everything in the mix but your bass drum. The
ducking process should be triggered after the length of an eighth note in a four-four time.
Thus, the Ducker needs to do its work in this short period of time.
With this easy formula you can calculate the length of a quarter note:
60 000 / tempo in bpm = time in ms
As an example with a tempo of 120 bpm:
= 500 ms for a quarter note.
Divide this by 2 to get the value for an eighth note (250ms).
The attack should be short, but beware of distortions. 10 to 30 ms will mostly do the trick.
Adjust hold and release to place the pumping effect on the right spot. In our example having
120 bpm it should be 250ms. Find your balance between hold and release to get the desired
3) Voice over / Voice over Guitar
Sometimes you want to lower the volume of the music while singing or talking. To get this
done do the following:
1) Assign the plug-in to a channel or a channel group.
2) Send your vocal track's signal into the Ducker's side chain.
3) You might want to choose relatively high values for hold and release to achieve
smooth blending of phases.
4) De-esser
If you have vocal recordings with too strong sibilance you can use Ducker Pro 2 as a perfect
de-esser. Unlike the usual compressor based de-essers the reduction of the sibilance is
proportional to the main signal and not inverse proportional.
The advantage is achieving a constant s-reduction regardless of high or low input levels.
1) Assign the plug-in to a channel (Voice Channel)
2) Switch the Source to Main.
Now you are using the same signal as Main and Aux Signal.
3) Activate the Lo Cut and Listen Switch. Turn the Lo Cut to 6000-9000 Hz until you only hear
the sibilance. This is important, otherwise you will duck more than just the sibilance.
4) Lower the Threshold until the ThresPass LED (white ring on Threshold dial) lights up. Make
sure that the LED is on only when you hear a sibilance.
Bob Perry Ducker Pro 2 Copyright © 2015-2021 Jonas Peters
VST is a software and trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.