New Generation N62 Engine
Chapter 3 P.12
Course Contents/Background Material
Service Training
The intake path length can be adjusted according to the engine
speed. Adjustment from long to short intake path begins at
3,500 rpm. If the engine speed increases, the intake path length
is linearly reduced, up to 6,200 rpm.
The intake path length is determined by the funnel position.
If the engine speed is less than 3,500 rpm, the funnel is in the
longer intake path length position (see illustration on previous
page). This means that the intake air must cover a longer path to
reach the cylinders.
When an engine speed of 6,200 rpm is reached, the rotor is
adjusted to the shorter intake path position. The intake path to
the cylinders is now short.
The funnel can be linearly adjusted to any point between the
long/short intake path positions.
Funnel adjustment is carried out by the drive unit, which is
located on the rear of the intake manifold housing.
The drive motor then also adjusts the drive shaft with funnels
(cylinder bank 1-4). The second shaft with funnels for cylinder
bank 5-8 is synchronously adjusted by the spur gears.
The drive motor is controlled by the DME and is intended for
providing feedback about the funnel position via a potentio-