OZONE ANALYZER BMT 964 Manual, Rev. 04/2021
Use of the Limit-Alarms
The BMT 964 supplies two Limit-Alarms. These alarms are given if concentration rises above
(High Alarm) or falls below (Low Alarm) a certain threshold level. On every triggering of an
alarm, the corresponding contact of its Alarm Relay opens or closes (Pin 12, Pin 13). By default,
the relays close. This can be changed with the parameter
Relays Open/Close
. If
Alarm Beep
activated, an acoustic signal will be sent out with the alarm. Alarm activation and alarm clearing
are documented with time and date in the Event-Log.
To enable an alarm, its parameter
has to be set to a valid alarm threshold and
has to be set to Enabled. The Low-Alarm threshold always has to be below the
High-Alarm threshold.
Both alarms are equipped with a hysteresis, which means that during a High Alarm ozone con-
centration has to fall 0.2 % of range below the threshold, before the alarm is cleared. Similarly a
Low-Alarm will only be cleared, when concentration rises 0.2 % of range above the threshold.
If an alarm will be cleared also depends on the setting of
: if set the alarm will continue,
also if the triggering condition (too high or too low concentration) does not exist anymore. The
alarm can be cleared by pressing the button ENTER. To only stop the beeper without clearing
the alarm, the BACK key may be used in case the menu on the front panel is on its basic level.
Error Handling and Early Warnings
The BMT 964 has diverse possibilities to recognize errors, to signal them and to early-warn
against them. Errors and early warnings are displayed on the front panel. Depending on the im-
portance of the error, the Error Relay (pins 1 and 3, see chapter 4: Output and Control Termi-
nals) as well as the Early Warning contacts Lamp Low (Pin 9) or Cuvette Dirty (Pin 14) are acti-
vated (opened). Errors and early warnings are always accompanied by an acoustic signal. In case
the menu on the front panel is on its basic level, the BACK key may be used to stop the beeper.
During warmup the Error Relay is in the error position (open).
Errors and Early Warnings are also sent out over the serial interface (s. p. 10) and are document-
ed in the Error-Log. The actual status can be read out in Link-Mode with the command *86#.
The following conditions will lead to warnings respectively errors:
Lamp Low Warning
This warning usually will occur before a Lamp Low Error. The message
Warning:Lamp Low
is shown alternating betweeen the measurement results. The error contact Lamp Low opens, but
the Error Relay stays in its normal state. A Lamp Low Warning should be a hint to the user, that
due to aging the UV-lamp has become weaker and that at the next opportunity it should be re-
placed by a new one. Measurement accuracy is not impaired in this state.