OZONE ANALYZER BMT 964 Manual, Rev. 04/2021
Dirty Error
Overpressure Error
Overrange Error
Lamp High Error
Low Alarm
High Alarm
Bits 11-13 are not used.
This mode allows interactive access to measurement results and the change of all parameters also
accessable from the front panel. Communication in Link-Mode always obeys the following for-
mat. All communication has to be initiated from the outside:
*Command Number#[optional parameter]
The BMT 964 always responds after completion of the instruction with
*Command Number#[optional parameter]
The optional parameter can have different decimally coded formats:
Byte: Range 0 .. 255. Byte is also used for the configuration of binary parameters; in this case
Byte can only take the values 0 and 1. If a binary variable is set to 1, the corresponding func-
tion or property is activated.
Word: Range 0 .. 65535
Long: Range 0 .. 99999999
Float: Range –9999999 .. 99999999 (floating point number as e.g. 1.234567, max. 8 charac-
ters including the decimal point)
It is very important to wait for confirmation from the BMT 964 once a command is sent. Link-
Mode is started by sending the following command:
The BMT 964 responds with
The User-Mode described above is now deactivated. In order to zero the instrument the proper
Link-Mode command has to be used. The BMT 964 contains a Link-Mode timer. Timeout can
be set by a Link-Mode command. This timer is reset by the sending of Link-Mode commands to
the BMT 964. The instrument will fall back into User-Mode automatically, if this timer runs out
due to Link-Mode commands not being received.
Caution: If the BMT 964 is connected to a programmable component (a PC or a PLC) care has
to be taken that the program does not reconfigure the BMT 964 in an endless loop. The internal