Heli-Coder 4 Transmitter Operation Manual | Doc. No. 6051452100 Rev. C
Broadcast Microwave Services, Inc.
Key Length Value. A method of encoding data into video streams. Defined in
standard SMPTE 336M-2007
The radio wave propagation phenomenon that results in the transmitted signals
ft. reaching the receiving antenna by two or more paths. This condition is not
desirable and usually results in signal fading and interference.
NMEA 0183
National Marine Electronics Association electrical and
data standard for communication between systems
The standard analog television system in use in the United States Analog
television encodes television picture information as an analog signal, that is, by
varying the voltages and/or frequencies of the signal.
Omni-Directional Antenna
The final transmit element of the microwave system that radiates the signal
approximately equally throughout a 360 degree circle. Does not require aiming
of the antenna.
PAL phase-alternating line
A color encoding used in broadcast television systems in large parts of the
RF: Radio Frequency
That portion of the Electromagnetic Spectrum that is used for radio and
television transmission.
SDI: Serial Digital Interface
Serial Digital Interface - A digitized video format for standard definition
The condition of an RF system where all but the transmit circuits are energized.
In this status the system may be switched into transmit mode instantaneously.
(See Transmit)
Stare-Point (SP)
Stare-Point or SP refers to the center of a video camera picture
System of defined symbols
Target Latitude Longitude
TNC Connector
Threaded version of the BNC connector (See BNC connector)
The condition of an RF system where it is sending out signal. (See Stand-by)