Press key M or C to increase or decrease the value to be the standard value.
Press and hold key M to finish the calibration.
Press and hold key C to quit the calibration procedure without saving.
Please note:
1. If the measurement error comes within the range of accuracy specification, please do not made
2. When the impact body is replaced, please make sure to clear Calibration (compensation value) first.
Clear Calibration (Compensation value)
After a long period of use, you may replace the impact body with a new one. Thus it needs to clear
Set up average by 3 times and take any measurements accordingly
Press key M to display mean value.
Press and hold key M and C simultaneously to enter CCAL mode. 001 means one calibration was done
Press C to clear previous calibration. An “OK” flashes then 000 CCAL displays, which means calibration
value was cleared.
Press C or M to go back to measuring mode.
Maintenance and Repair
Do your best to avoid shock, heavy dust, damp, strong magnetic field, and oil stain.
Maintenance of the Impact Device
The devices do not require any particular care other than periodic cleaning of the impact body and the guide
tube after performing approximately 1000-2000 tests. During cleaning, the following procedures need to be
Unscrew support ring and remove impact body from guide tube.
Clean off any dirt and metallic dust from the impact body and the spherical test tip.
Clean guide tube with the special brush provided.
Do not apply oil to any parts for the impact device.
Charging Battery
When a battery indicator displays on LCD which reminds you to charge the battery. However it is still
possible to measure for some time.
Please make sure to obtain additional or replacing battery from the
. Otherwise it may cause un-accuracy values.
Insert the plug with battery charger into the socket on the right side of tester. Connect the battery charger
with mains power to begin charging battery. It may take 12-15 hours to fully charge the battery.
Fault Diagnosis
If finding any abnormalities, please read our fault diagnosis first.
No impact occurs-impact body is not or improperly located in the impact device/impact body does not
release or cannot be loaded.
Marked deviation of individual L-values or L-values constantly too low-measuring area inadequately
prepared/the tested material is extremely inhomogeneous or porous/sample is insufficiently
supported/sample exhibits large local hardness differences e.g. at the transition seam to the base
material/impact direction has been change between the individual impacts.
L-values at the standard test block constantly too low-impact device contaminated/spherical test tip cracked
(e.g. due to impact against tungsten carbide)/support ring does not have rubber pad.
L-values at the standard test block constantly too high-spherical test tip flattened (impact against tungsten
carbide, wear)/standard test block damaged or full of indentations.