Hydrosplit M3 Manuale utente – User manual - v1.6.5_ITA_ENG
4.5 Accounted Volume (C2) – accounted
volume at memory day (optional)
Memory day setting:
View any of the points in the level 4
Press and hold T2 button for 3 seconds.
The setting screen will be displayed.
Enter the desired date in the gg.mm format (T1 - digit increase, T2 - selection digit).
Confirm the setting by pressing and holding the T2 button for 3 seconds.
5.1 Total operation hours during calculation
5.2 Total lifetime hours
5.3 Historical data storage (up to 26 possible
values, saving at the end of the month)
5.3.1 Accounted Energy (heating) – cumulative
value at historical memory day
5.3.2 Accounted Energy (cooling) – cumulative
value at historical memory day
5.3.3 Accounted Volume (C1) – accounted
volume at historical memory day (optional)