Hydrosplit M3 Manuale utente – User manual - v1.6.5_ITA_ENG
Confirm the selected parameter by holding the T2 button for more than 3 seconds, thus moving to the
next parameter.
10) The tenth parameter that has be configured is the pulse value "k" of the OC pulse cooling output (cold
out). The value can be selected by using the button T1: 0 - 1 - 10 – 100 - 1000 kWh/imp
Confirm the selected parameter by holding the T2 button for more than 3 seconds, thus moving to the
next parameter.
11) The eleventh parameter that has be configured is the secondary address of the Wired M-Bus (M-Bus)
of the heating data. Select the digit using the T2 button and change the single numbers with the T1 button.
Confirm the selected parameter by holding the T2 button for more than 3 seconds, thus moving to the
next parameter.
12) The twelfth parameter that has be configured is the primary address of the Wired M-Bus (M-Bus) of
the heating data. Select the digit using the T2 button and change the single numbers with the T1 button.
Confirm the selected parameter by holding the T2 button for more than 3 seconds, thus moving to the
next parameter.
13) The thirteenth parameter that has be configured is the secondary address of the Wired M-Bus (M-
Bus) of the cooling data. Select the digit using the T2 button and change the single numbers with the T1