a- If cooking liquid food (soup, porridge, etc),
when the warm keeping indicator is on, do not
exhaust the air immediately, must wait naturally
cooling until the floater drops, or else the liquid
food will spout though exhaust pipe. Putting a
wet tower on the lid will speed up cooling.
b- Pull off the plug before opening the lid.
Control panel PCB-5763
Open the lid and take out the food ( Safety open)
Press the pressure release valve at “ ” position on the handle to exhaust the
air out until the floater drop
When the cooker reach working pressure, the pressure indicator will light
up, entering the pressure keeping process. The nixie tube will begin the
countdown-time of the pressure keeping duration. When it reached “0”, the
food will be fully cooked. The cooker will alarm the user before enter the keep
warm state automatically.