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350G XL
Lift Series
Quick Reference Sheet
Primary Guying Only
Read Manual Before Use
Refer to detailed instructions in the
350G XL Lift Series Manual at all times
Continue to raise the mast until the mast begins to lean excessively or
the guy ropes go taut. *
Use the Velcro Straps to secure cables and
always monitor the guy ropes.
Adjust the 4 Primary Guy Ropes
If the mast is leaning, Person #1
should go to the guy rope opposite
the lean.
Person #2 should go to the guy rope that is 90 degrees from person #1.
This will allow you to see how far each guy rope needs to be adjusted to
get the mast straight. Rotate to the other guy ropes to finish adjustment.
It may take a couple rotations to
get the mast straight and perpen-
Confirm that the cable is taut and
the cam lock is locked.
Adjusting the Primary Guy Ropes
Hold the rope in front of the guy handle and slide the handle forward to
tighten or use your finger to release the rope from the cleat and slide the
handle backwards to loosen.
Raise the mast until one inch is
showing below the cam lock and
lock the cam lock.
Lower the lift base plate, insert a
mast pole and raise it until the
poles nest together.
Release the cam lock and raise
the mast until the four primary
guy ropes go taut.
One at a time, slowly loosen the primary guy ropes by holding the guy
rope in front of the handle, release the rope from the cleat, and sliding the
handle back approx. four feet. Doing this will give you enough slack to
raise another mast pole.
When the primary guy ropes go taut or if the mast begins to lean exces-
sively - Stop and Lock the Cam Lock. Now adjust all FOUR PRIMARY
GUY ROPES and make sure the mast is straight and perpendicular.
Incremental Guying:
Loosen the guy ropes based on the length of the mast pole below the cam lock.
EXAMPLE: If the length of the pole under the cam lock is ONE FOOT - slide the handle back ONE FOOT on each
of the four primary guy ropes. This will allow you enough room to raise the mast pole.
1 ft.