Instruction Manual CBRN Protective Coverall, Issue 2013
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The two layer textile fabric compound as mentioned in section 4.1
offers protection against specific chemical warfare agents according
to “TNO-PML test methods for air-permeable and air-impermeable
CNBC protective materials (PML 2004-PU2)”.
• Laid drop diffusive flow test
(10 g HD/m
, 10 cm
, 1 μl drops, 12 hours)
• Vapour test
(55 mg HD/m
, 1 m/sec, 12.56 cm
, 12 hours)
Nominal protection factor IL class 1 of EN 1073-2
6. USE
• Before use, check the CBRN protective coverall for
completeness and proper condition
• The CBRN protective coverall ensures the necessary
protection only if the personnel:
master the timely and intended use of the
protective coverall.
are psychologically and physically able to carry out
missions under CBRN protection at any time.
• As chemical protective equipment may cause heat
strain of the wearer it is recommended that sweat
management underwear is used and that rest periods
of sufficient duration are scheduled.