You may select different effects options w hich include but not limited
to: Fill Light, Highlights, Shadow s, Auto-Fix, Cross-process,
Posturize, Logo, Documentary, and Fish Eye, Warmth, Saturation,
B&W, Sepia, Negative, Tint, Duo-tone, Doodle, Crop, Red Eye,
Straighten, Rotate, Flip, Sharpen.
View Im ages
In the picture interface, click on an album to view images
In the photo album, scroll the picture tow ards left to view the next
picture or tow ards right to view the previous one.
Crop Pictures
1. If you w ant to adjust the size of the picture, use the crop tools.
Once the arrow appears, pinch your fingers in or out to adjust the
2. If you w ant to adjust the image and keep its proportion, please
hold dow n any of the four corners of the image and adjust
Open Music
Application Menu » Music
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