Save for offline reading: Saves page for offline reading.
Page info: Display page address and other information of the current
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History: Show your brow sing history and view the most visited
Settings: Contains a variety of brow ser settings.
Bluetooth is a short-range w ireless communications technology that
devices can use to exchange information and connect to different
types of devices w hich include headsets, car kits, and other devices.
Pow er on Bluetooth
1) Settings » Wireless & Netw orks » Bluetooth and select to pow er
on Bluetooth.
2) The Bluetooth icon w ill appear grey in the notification bar. Click
“scan for devices” and the phone w ill start to scan for all devices
w ithin range.
3) In Bluetooth settings all the devices found w ill displayed in the list
under the icon.
The maximum detecting time of the phone is 2 minutes.
Brow ser