Darkened areas sometimes appear on stainless steel surfaces
where the area has been subjected to excessive heat. These darkened areas are caused by
thickening of the protective surface of the stainless steel and is not harmful. Heat tint can
normally be removed by the foregoing, but tint which does not respond to this procedure calls for
a vigorous scouring in the direction of the polish lines using
scouring pads or
scouring pad in combination with a powdered cleanser. Heat tint action may be
lessened by not applying or by reducing heat to equipment during slack periods.
All food contact surfaces must be thoroughly drained and flushed prior to cooking in the kettle.
: The textured control panel should be cleaned with warm water and mild
soap. Never use an abrasive cloth or steel wool. Never use cleaning solvents with a
hydrocarbon base.
5.0 ADDING WATER (Low water light comes on)
It may be necessary to replenish water in the jacket when the low water indicator comes on. Do
so as follows:
1. Unit should be completely cold and off.
2. Lift handle of pressure relief valve to release vacuum in kettle. (Relief valve is at left rear of
3. Remove air vent nut at the rear of the unit.
4. Using pure distilled water only, pour 140 fl. oz. (4 L) into the opening. (A funnel will be
helpful). Water will enter the kettle slowly, as air must escape through the same hole.
5. When sufficient water has been added, replace and tighten the nut. Be sure to seal threads
with a pipe joint compound suitable for steam at 50 psi.
Vacuum must be re-established. (See Venting Instructions, Section 6.0).