Now plug one end of the Bliss power cord into the wall socket and
switch it ON. Make sure you have already plugged in the other end of
the cord into the Bliss socket. Now hold down the Bliss power bu�on
and let go once the bu�on starts to blink. A blinking bu�on means it
is in sync mode.
Pick up your phone where your Smart Life app is
already open and is showing this screen. Now click
on ‘Confirm indicator rapidly blink’.
You will then be asked to enter your Wi-Fi
username and password. Go ahead with this step.
Now your Bliss Bassinet, your Wi-Fi and your Smart
Life App are all ready to be paired!
The next screen will show you a percentage circle
deno�ng the progress of the connec�on. Now sit
back and relax as the connec�on completes
automa�cally without any interven�on needed.
On the le� side of the screen, select ‘Small Home
Appliances’. Now scroll down un�l you find ‘Crib’ in
the ‘Life’ sec�on. Now that you have spo�ed the
‘crib,’ keep your phone nearby. You will need it in a