You will need -
1. Home Wi-Fi connec�on (2.4 ghz)
2. An iOS or Android smart phone connected to the Wi-Fi
3. A smart home device like Amazon Echo or Google Home also connected to the
same Wi-Fi
4. A power connec�on
5. Your Bliss Bassinet assembled and kept right next to your Wi-Fi router. It has to
be physically close to the router to establish connec�on. You can carry the
Bassinet back into the nursery once the pairing is done.
To operate the Bliss Bassinet using your phone, download
and install the ‘Smart Life’ app using the App Store/Play
Store. This app will act as a forever link between your Bliss
Bassinet and home Wi-Fi connec�on.
When you open the app, you will be able to sign up
and create your profile. Save your login creden�als.
You may need them again to be able to control the
Bassinet using devices like Amazon Echo or Google
Once you are signed in, press the plus ‘+’ sign seen
in the top right corner or click on ‘Add Device’. This
ac�on will lead you to a screen, showing a list of
various devices available.