Changing a CF Card – TS700 / TS750
Then you can see the slot. Pay attention to the pins at the back. It is important that the FC card slots
into these properly. If it is forced in without being properly aligned, then the till will not work and
require repair.
Carefully remove the CF card from the faulty unit and bring it to the loaner. Line it up in the guide
rails on either side of the slot. The sticker of the card should be facing up. Once you have got that
lined up push the card into place. Do not force it, just push gently until it is in as far as it goes.
Once that is in then you can reconnect the power and turn the till back on. If you get an error along
the lines of “insert boot media” then the till is not seeing the card. Often, it is just not properly
seated. Double check the card is in correctly, and if you are still having issues then call the support
line for advice.