Date Printed: 4/28/11
File: G:/pubdata/Manuals\english manuals\OM-KE/PE.pub
OM KE/PE 1006
Version 1.11 Revised: DApril 2011
Addendum—Your First Fire
Your First Fire!
Forget everything you ever learned about how to burn or operate a run of the mill wood stove. You now own the finest
wood stove ever made and in order to get peak performance you will need to follow these steps.
You can’t just throw in some newspaper and a log or two and light a match. Your stove won’t work using conventional
methods such as those used when burning inefficient wood stoves. Your Blaze King is designed to give you far more
heat for your time & money.
There are four control features to your new Blaze King that are instrumental in getting your first fire started.
1) The Thermostat located on the top right rear corner of the stove. Set the Thermostat on “High”. After a bit you can
adjust the thermostat to your comfort zone, but for now, leave it on “High”. The increased flow of air is necessary in
the first few minutes of lighting your stove. It is necessary to mention that too many people make too many and rapid
changes to the Thermostat. Let’s say you have been using the stove on “High” when you begin to build a fire. The
coils in the Thermostat are now hot and if you turn the Thermostat to “Low” right away, you can actually cause the fire
to go out from such a rapid change. All changes to the Thermostat should be done gradually. When you first light the
stove and you are using the “High” setting, move the Thermostat towards “Medium” at 20 minute intervals. After the
stove has operated at Medium for an hour or so, then you can move towards low. The Thermostat is sensitive and
must be adjusted gradually. Too rapid an adjustment will cause the stove to operate improperly. The most common
mistake new owners make is fiddling with the Thermostat and making too many changes to rapidly.
2) The By-Pass handle. Located on the center top right side of the stove (see illustration below). This handle, when
pointing towards you allows increased air flow, again essential when you first attempt to get your stove going. Once
the fire is hot and a base of coals is established, go ahead and close the By-Pass (pointing down) but for now leave it
3) Front Loading Door. This is located at the front of the stove and plays a key role in successful initial firing of the stove.
This is also where you can add more wood as it needed.
4) Catalytic Thermometer. Located in the top of the stove, this Thermometer will tell you when the Catalytic combustor is
Bypass closed
Bypass open