Example for entering a destination
Selected destination:
Hildesheim, junction Kaiserstraße/Bahnhofsallee
Using the cursor, select the following menu items in the following order and
confirm by pressing ENT.
Nav menu
Enter destination
The header line will display “Enter city”.
Select the letter “H” by
until “H” is displayed inversely.
press SET.
“H” will now appear in the input field.
Now select the letters “I”, “L”, “D”, “E” and “S” one after another. The input
field should now contain “HILDES”.
This entry will be sufficient to come close to the city name HILDESHEIM in
the index.
Conclude the input procedure by pressing ENT.
The place name index will then be displayed and the cursor will be
positioned next to HILDESHEIM.
Press ENT.
After a short time, the monitor will display the selected destination,