Monitor to Program
In most situations, it is advantageous and safe not to be able to switch the program output to
other views. However, there are times when the program out view needs to be changed from
the composited image to another view. For example, the matte view. For these few instances,
it is possible to route the monitor output to the program output.
When ‘monitor to program’ is enabled, the program output will show the same view selections
made in the monitor output. Disabling monitor to program will return the program output to its
previous setting.
Fill Linear Mix Correct
If the system you are using to combine the matte and fill outputs does not have an ‘additive
mix’ capability, for example linear mix only, the composite image can have dark edges due to a
second processing of the processed foreground image. Enabling the setting marked ‘Fill Lin Mix
Cor’ will minimize potential artifacts caused by the second processing of the foreground image.
Use this setting when you are sending the matte and fill to an external device for final mixing,
for example a broadcast switcher.
Talent Mirror
Selecting this option will horizontally mirror the program image viewed on the talent output.
The talent monitor output is used for the foreground subjects on the set to see themselves
inserted in the new background scene. By providing the capability to horizontally mirror the
viewed image, the talent can have a more natural feedback when seeing themselves on
the monitor.
Monitor to Talent
When ‘monitor to talent’ is enabled, the talent output will show the same view selections made
in the monitor output. Disabling the monitor to talent will return the talent output view to its
previous setting.
Output Range
With normal video signal levels, the maximum white level is specified at 100%, and any signal
levels above that level will usually be limited to 100%. In extended video levels, the maximum
white level is allowed to exceed 100%.
Ultimatte 12 always uses ‘normal white range’ mode. All other Ultimatte models use ‘normal
white range’ mode by default, or you can switch on ‘output full range’ to enable ‘extended white
range’ mode. This applies to the foreground, background and layer inputs and outputs. Matte
inputs and matte output maintain normal white range for both modes.
In normal white range mode, any input signal levels exceeding 100% will be clipped to that level
at the output. Additionally, color adjustments applied to the video signals, for example white
levels, that can take signal levels above 100% will be limited to that level at the outputs.
In extended white range mode, all input signal levels exceeding 100% will pass through the
system unclipped. Also, color adjustments applied to the video signals will allow output levels
to exceed 100%.
Matte Out Invert
Enabling this function will invert the polarity of the matte out signal.
Output Offset
The output offset control allows you to adjust the output reference timing relative to the
foreground or analog reference input to match the timing of various devices in large systems.