Storage Indicators
The storage indicators display the status of the media slots including record duration available.
The first two icons represent 2 CFast card slots on the front panel. The third drive icon displays
the active USB flash disk connected via the ‘ext disk’ connector on the rear of the HyperDeck
Extreme 8K HDR.
On screen icons let you see the status
of your storage at a quick glance
Your active drive is used for playback and recording. Once a drive is filled, recording will spill
over to the next drive, ensuring you don’t miss a frame.
For more information on storage indicators, see the ‘storage media’ section later in this manual.
Audio Meters
On screen audio meters display the first four audio channels of any source. To display larger
meters, tap on the audio meter icon. The meters will now appear over the video. Labels to the
right of each channel identify the type of meter, for example PPM or VU.
The audio meters will display your current
audio as a VU or PPM audio monitor. Tap
on the audio meters to adjust levels
When in record mode you can adjust the levels of XLR audio using the sliders beneath
each channel.
When in playback mode, you can use the slider beneath each channel to adjust the XLR audio
output levels. Idle or disable audio channels will be grayed out.
The audio meters will display your current audio via a VU or PPM
audio monitor. Disabled audio tracks will be grayed out
You can select your meter type via the setup tab in the dashboard menu. See the setup section
in the dashboard menu later in this manual.