Adjust the opacity of the background by using the slider adjustment
Scope Brightness
You can control the brightness of the white scope graphic from 0% to full brightness at
100%. This can help you find areas of fine detail that may not be so clear with a low
scope brightness.
Background Opacity
Each video scope has a black background. You can modify the display of this
background from invisible at 0% to completely black at 100%. The higher the opacity,
the darker the background, which will make your video appear and the graticules clear.
It is worth noting that each of the video scope options feature an
orange graphic element displaying your levels. Modifying your scope
brightness or background opacity has no impact on the display of these
orange graphics.
Picture in Picture
When a video scope is active, a small ‘mini preview’ icon will appear at the top right of
the scope.
Tap on the ‘mini preview’ icon to display your video in a small preview window
You can use the picture in picture option to minimize the video to a small preview
window that can be moved around the display to your preferred location.