Post Production Workflow
Using Autodesk Smoke 2013
To edit your clips using Autodesk Smoke 2013, create a new project and set a suitable video format, bit
depth, frame type and frame rate. This example uses ProRes 422 (HQ) 1080p25.
Step 1.
Launch Smoke and the Project and User Settings window will appear. Click on the New button
under the project heading.
Step 2.
The Create New Project window will open. Name your project.
Step 3.
From the resolution drop down menu, select 1920x1080 HD 1080.
Step 4.
Make sure bit depth is set to 10-bit and frame type is Progressive.
Step 5.
From the Config Template drop down menu select [email protected].
Step 6.
Leave the Preferred Format set to ProRes 422 (HQ) and click Create.
Step 7.
Click on the New button under the User heading.
Step 8.
When the Create New User Profile window opens, type your user name and click Create.
Step 9
. When the Project and User Settings window reopens, click the Start button.
Step 10.
From the menu bar, select File>Import>File and select your clips to import.
Step 11
. Once the clips appear in the media library you can drag your clips onto the timeline and
begin editing.
Setting the project name and project options in Autodesk
Smoke 2013.