Operating your ATEM Switcher
When using the panel you can use the Enable button to switch a particular box on or off. Choose the source
you wish to place in the box from the Source Select bus. Press the dedicated Destination button followed
by the desired source. Then choose the Position and the Size either via the window or the joystick. If you
decide that you want to use Crop, select the Crop Menu button and select the crop button. Each box can
be cropped individually and the parameters are Top, Bottom, Left and Right. If you become confused then
crop can be reset via the crop reset button.
Background and Foreground Art
To use background art, clicking on the button marked Art on the GUI or the ATEM Panel will reveal the Art
settings. To use art as a background source, select the button marked Background. Then choose your Art
Fill Source via the GUI drop down box, or on the ATEM panel by the Source Select bus. Assign the source
and your choice will be placed behind the on screen boxes.
On the panel, in the SuperSource menu press the button marked art and then press the button marked
Background. Select the source for the background via the Select bus on the 1 M/E panel or the dedicated
Destination bus on the 2 M/E panel. This will result in the selected video source being placed behind the
enabled boxes.
On the GUI if you wish to make the art foreground, then click on the radio button marked Foreground, and
choose whether your graphic is Pre Multiplied or not. If it is Pre Multiplied then tick the check box, assign
the Art Fill Source and the Art Key Source. This will now allow the art to be placed over the enabled box or
boxes. If your art is not pre multiplied then you can use the clip and gain controls as discussed in the Keying
section of this manual to achieve the desired result.
On the panel if you wish to make the art foreground, then click on the button marked Foreground and
choose whether your graphic is Pre Multiplied or not. If it is Pre Multiplied then press the button marked
with this label, and assign the Art Fill Source and the Art Key Source. This will now allow the art to be placed
over the enabled box or boxes. If your art is not Pre Multiplied then you can use the clip and gain controls
as discussed in the Keying section of this manual to achieve the desired result. You may also need to invert
the key.
Adjusting Borders
Borders are created the same way for both the GUI and the ATEM panel. Simply click on the button marked
Borders. This will allow access to all the border parameters as previously discussed in this manual under
"Adding DVE borders".
Please note that if you are using the Art in Foreground mode then the borders are not available as they
would not be visible, and that any or all border settings are applied to all boxes.
Crop Menu Button
Art Foreground