Engine Manual Talon 190 and Lite 125 Ver .99b
pg. 30
The first thing to do is to make sure you have fuel going to and into the carburetor. Check that the fuel
metering diaphragm is open when you are using the primer bulb to get fuel into the carburetor. If the
fuel metering diaphragm is not open you will not be able to prime the carburetor correctly, and this
could make it look like your carburetor is not working correctly.
Next make sure the fuel you are using is not older than 2 weeks. Most car fuels contain Ethanol, and
this will absorb water from the air over time. If the fuel is older than 2 weeks, then it could have
absorbed enough water to cause the fuel to become bad and it will not burn correctly. If you see
anything remotely white colored in the fuel, this is water. If the fuel smells like varnish or has a weak
gas smell; that’s another sign that the fuel is old. In most cases the engine will start when the fuel is
old, but it will run rough.
The next part to check is the carburetor jets. You will need to
remove the air filter from the carburetor so you can see into
the carb itself. Then open the fuel metering diaphragm on the
carb, and then use the primer bulb to pump fuel into the
carburetor. If the carburetor jets are working correctly, then
you should see fuel drip from the jets in the carburetor. You
will need to hold the throttle valve fully open so you can see
the fuel coming out of the jets. If you do not see any fuel
coming out of the jet, then in most cases you will need to pull
and rebuild the carburetor and clean the jets to fix this issue.
You can contact BlackHawk for a carburetor rebuild kit, and
BlackHawk has a video on YouTube that shows you how to
rebuild the carburetor for a Talon 190 or Lite 125.
These are the tips and tricks to trouble shoot an 2-stroke Paramotor engine that was recently starting
and working. If this is a Paramotor that has not been running for over a year, there could be other
issues that need to be addressed that go above and beyond these simple trouble shooting tips.
BlackHawk is always willing to assist you get your Paramotor in working condition.