CHAPTER 5: Configuration
5.6 Copying Parameters to All Ports
The /CP (Copy Port Parameters) command provides a convenient means for
selecting identical (or similar) parameters for all of the Serial Console Port
Manager’s RS-232 ports.
When the /CP command is invoked, the Port Manager will display the menu
shown in Figure 5-3. From this menu, you can select port-communication
parameters and then copy them to all of the Port Manager’s RS-232 ports. The
Copy Port Parameters menu can be used to set
or only
parameters for all
The /CP command is only available in Supervisor Mode.
The Copy Port Parameters menu will not display the Port Password.
This field will read either “undefined” or “defined,” depending on
whether or not the Port Password has been specified.
The /CP command cannot be used to set Ports 1 and 2 to Passive Mode
or Buffer Mode (Port Mode, Item 7).
The /CP command cannot be used to disable the Supervisor Mode at
Ports 1 and 2 (Supervisor Mode, Item 8).
Figure 5-3. The Copy Port Parameters menu.
1. Port Name:
2. Password:
3. Baud Rate:
4. Bits/Parity:
5. Stop Bits:
6. Handshake Mode:
7. Port Mode:
74. DTR Output:
8. Supervisor Mode:
9. Logoff Character:
10. Sequence Disconnect:
11. Timeout Disconnect:
12. Response Type:
13. Command Echo:
14. Accept Break:
(Note: Ports 1 & 2 will NOT have restricted values changed.)
Enter: Parameter # <CR> to define parameter value to copy to all ports,
-<CR> to remove all values set,
X<CR> to exit WITHOUT copy,
<ESC> to copy to all ports and exit ...