Modem 34336
4.5.1 D
DTR dialing allows you to set up the Modem to automatically dial a stored
number even when the autodialer is not enabled.
To enable DTR dialing, select DTR from the DIALER option screen. When
DTR dialing is enabled, an OFF-to-ON transition of DTR causes the Modem
to automatically dial the number previously stored using the front-panel LCD.
DTR must remain on for at least 50 ms to effect automatic dialing. A 50-ms
drop of DTR aborts the process or disconnects the call. When DTR goes high
again for at least 50 ms, the automatic-dialing process begins again.
4.5.2 A
If the Modem is set for DTR dialing, it automatically answers without DTR.
However, it will not transfer data until DTR goes high. The call may be
terminated by dropping DTR.
4.6 Dumb Mode And Bell 208 Operation
Bell 208 operation is available on the Modem only. For additional
information, see
Section 2.4.6.
Table 6-2 in
Chapter 6
lists dialing parameters
that may be used to modify Dumb mode or Bell 208 dialing operations.
When the Modem is operating in Dumb mode or configured for Bell
208 operation, data calls may be manually originated from a phone set.
(Plug the phone into the Modem jack marked PHONE.)
For manual-originate operation, the remote modem may be configured for
either automatic or manual answer. For manual originate/answer operation,
one modem must be set to ANSWER and one must be set to ORIGINATE via
the ANS/ORG DEFAULT screen. For either type of operation, use the Dumb
mode or Bell 208 Quick Setup to configure the Modem. (The Dumb mode
Quick Setup defaults to asynchronous operation; the Bell 208 Quick Setup
defaults to synchronous operation.)
Either Quick Setup sets the Modem to originate mode. If you want to set your
Modem to answer mode, use the front-panel controls to access the ANS/ORG
DEFAULT screen (MODEM SETUPS screen 4). Then, select ANSWER
(answer mode). To manually originate a data call, select TALK from MAIN
MENU screen 1. The MANUAL-DIAL screen is displayed. Select TALK again.
This puts the Modem in talk mode. Lift the handset and listen for the dial
tone. Dial the phone number of the remote modem. When you hear a high-
pitched answer tone, select DATA from the MANUAL-DIAL screen, and