CHAPTER 2: Introduction
Fiber Optic Converters allow you to
expand the geographic distance of
a token ring network. They are also
a useful tool in eliminating the
electromagnetic interference which
often causes problems with copper
cabling. And, because fiberoptic
cable is much more difficult to tap
than copper cable, Fiber Optic
Converters are desirable for net-
works requiring higher security.
2.1 Main Ring Applications
Fiber Optic Converters are used in
pairs. The Fiber Optic Converter II
converts the signal of both the
primary and backup paths of the
A typical token ring network using
type 3 copper cable without
Converters is shown in Figure 2-1.
The maximum geographical size of
the network is determined according
to rules given in token ring network
planning documents.
2. Introduction
300 feet
300 feet
300 feet
300 feet
Figure 2-1. Typical Token Ring Network.