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Chapter 6: Command Line Console Management
4. Example:
The following example shows setting storm-control dlf enable to the interface fe1
(port 1):
switch_a(config)#interface fe1
switch_a(config-if)#storm-control dlf enable
Static MAC Entry
Static-MAC-Entry Forward:
5. Command Mode: Configure mode
Log on to Configure Mode (Configure Terminal Mode). The switch_a(config)#
prompt will show on the screen.
6. Usage:
Use this command to statically configure a bridge entry to forward matching
7. Command Syntax:
bridge GROUP address MAC forward IFNAME VLANID
no bridge GROUP address MAC forward IFNAME VLANID
GROUP <1-1> Bridge-group ID used for bridging.
MAC the Media Access Control (MAC) address in the HHHH.HHHH.HHHH
IFNAME the interface on which the frame comes in.
VLANID The VID of the VLAN that will be enabled or disabled on the bridge
8. Example:
The following example configures a bridge GROUP (1) to forward matching
frames (MAC address 2222.2222.2222) to the interface fe1 (port 1) in vlan
switch_a(config)#bridge 1 address 2222.2222.2222 forward fe1 vlan 2