To install the V.35
RS-422 Interface Converter, follow these steps and refer to
Figures 3-1
1. Set jumper XW6 to the V.35 side when configuring the V.35 side of the unit as DTE. Set XW6 to the 422
side when configuring the RS-422 side of the unit as DTE. Jumper XW6 affects only the front-panel LEDs.
2. When configuring the Converter’s V.35 side as DTE and the RS-422 side as DCE, set the jumpers in the
sockets labeled XW1B, XW2B, XW3B, XW4A, and XW5A.
3. When configuring the Converter’s V.35 side as DCE and the RS-422 side as DTE, set the jumpers in the
sockets labeled XW1A, XW2A, XW3A, XW4B, and XW5B.
4. Jumper W1 is used if the V.35 side of the Converter is configured as DCE (Jumper W2 is not used). If W1 is
in the B-C position, the DTR signal (pin H) is passed from the V.35 port through to pins 12 and 30 of the
RS-422 port. If W1 is placed in the A-B position, pins 12 and 30 are forced high.
When the V.35 side of the Converter is configured as DTE, W1 has no effect and W2 is used instead. With
W2 in the A-B position, the terminal ready (DTR) signal is passed from the RS-422 side of the V.35 port.
With W2 in the B-C position, pin H is forced high.
5. Attach your straight-pinned RS-449 cable from the RS-422 device to the 37-pin female receptacle (J1) on
the rear panel of the V.35
RS-422 Interface Converter.
6. Attach your straight-pinned V.35 cable from the V.35 device to the 34-pin female M-block connector (J2)
on the rear panel of the V.35
RS-422 Interface Converter.
7. After you set the DIP shunts as explained in
Section 3.1
, steps 1–4, plug the power module into an AC
outlet. The Converter is now ready to use.