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Chapter 4: Service Setup
Menu Item: DDC Configuration Menu
From the main menu, select the DDC Configuration menu, to define which DDC information is transmitted to the graphics card.
As long as there is no transparent DDC communication, there is a “virtual DDC“ built into the local unit (See Appendix E:
Information in Internal DDC). You can either provide the DDC information of the secondary monitor attached to the local unit or
the information from the internal DDC table.
Use the information from the internal
DDC table.
Back to main menu.
Connect DDC lines directly from a locally
attached monitor.
Create a VGA-DDC from the DVI DDC in the
internal table.
Figure 4-20. The DDC Configuration menu.
NOTE: It is possible to load the DDC information of the remotely attached monitor into the internal DDC table. Refer to DDC
Information in 2.5 How to Use This Guide. Under some circumstances, the local unit should identify itself as a “VGA monitor“
providing DDC information like a VGA screen (DVI-DDC and VGA-DDC are different). In this case, you can convert the internal
DDC table to a VGA-DDC by hitting the “Create VGA“ button.