Crumb Tray
Grasp the handle at the front of the oven and pull out the crumb tray. Dispose of
crumbs and wash the tray in warm, sudsy water. Remove stubborn spots with a
polyester or nylon pad. Be sure to dry thoroughly before slipping the Tray back into
the oven.
Cooking Containers
1. The inside dimensions of this Oven are 10-5/16" x 11" x 6" This size allows for
many different types of baking containers. Keep interior dimensions in mind
when purchasing cooking containers.
2. Metal, ovenproof glass or ceramic bakeware without glass lids can be used in
your oven. Follow manufacturer’s instructions.
Be sure the edge of the container
and the food being cooked is at least 1" (2.54 cm) away from upper heating
3. Some frozen foods are packaged in paper or plastic containers suitable for
microwave or regular ovens; these should not be used in the Infrawave™ Oven.
If there are any questions regarding the use of a specific container, contact the
food manufacturer.
4. Some items which should never be used in your Oven:
• If a cover is needed, use aluminum foil and be careful that it does not touch
the heating elements.
• Air-tight packages such as sealed pouches or cans.
• Plastic wrapping such as oven roasting bags or paperboard covers.
• Containers larger than those recommended.
• Containers with warnings against use in range-type or toaster ovens.
A few notes on your Infrawave™ Speed Cooking Countertop Oven:
• During cooking, the interior lights will cycle on and off. This is because the
Infrawave™ Oven doesn’t cook by a specific temperature. It cooks by cycling
its heater lights on and off.
• A beep will sound when pressing most control panel buttons.
• Since infrared waves can go through glass, cooking can be improved with an
oven-safe, glass dish.
Cooking Problem
Food is cooking too quickly.
Because the Infrawave™ Oven cooks
food quickly, you may want to use
default cooking times the first time
you cook a dish.
When I open the oven door
If the oven door is opened during the
to check on food, the heating
cooking cycle, heaters will pause.
cycle seems to stop.
To resume cooking, close oven door
and PRESS the Start/Stop button.
Sometimes when I’m cooking,
When using non-stick sprays, butter
I notice smoke from the surface
or margarine for cooking, you may
of the pan.
notice a small amount of smoke and
browning. This occurs because these
coatings will cook first.
NOTE: Always start with a clean tray,
pan or aluminum foil since any baked
on food residue will also cause
When I make a casserole, it tends
With deep-dish casseroles (including
to brown too quickly on the top.
lasagne), the top may brown more
quickly than with conventional ovens.
Place a piece of aluminum foil over
your casserole dish during the
cooking process and remove it at the
end of the cooking cycle.
I want to adjust the number
During cooking, you can adjust the
of minutes my food has left to
cooking time with the Up and Down
cook, but I’ve already
started the cooking process.
I can’t find the exact food I want
Choose the food that is closest to the
to cook in the selection menu.
one you want to cook.
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