Solamente para propósito de Argentina:
Importado por: Black & Decker Argentina S.A.
Pacheco Trade Center
Colectora Este de Ruta Panamericana
Km. 32.0 El Talar de Pacheco
Partido de Tigre
Buenos Aires (B1618FBQ)
República de Argentina
No. de Importador: 1146/66
Tel.: (011) 4726-4400
Imported by/Importado por:
Black & Decker do Brasil Ltda.
Rod. BR 050, s/n°- Km 167
Dist. Industrial II
Uberaba ˆ MG ˆ Cep: 38064-750
CNPJ: 53.296.273/0001-91
Insc. Est.: 701.948.711.00-98
S.A.C.: 0800-703-4644
Solamente para propósitos de Colombia
Importado por: Black & Decker de Colombia, S.A.
Carrera 85D # 51-65, Bodega 23
Complejo Logístico San Cayetano
Bogotá - Colombia
Tel.: 744-7100
Solamente para propósito de Chile:
Importado por: Black & Decker de Chile, S.A.
Av. Pdte. Eduardo Frei M. 6001-67 Conchalí
Santiago de Chile
Tel.: (56-2) 2687 1700
Hecho en China
Fabricado na China
Made in China
Solamente para propósito de México:
Importado por: Black and Decker S.A. de C.V.
Avenida Antonio Dovali Jaime
# 70 Torre B Piso 9
Colonia Santa Fé
Delegación Alvaro Obregón,
México D.F. 01210
Tel. (52) 555-326-7100
R.F.C.: BDE810626-1W7
Importado por:
Black & Decker del Perú S.A.
Av. Circunvalación del Club Golf
Los Incas N° 152 - 154, Lote 4,
Oficinas 601 – 602
Urb. Club Golf Los Incas - Santiago de Surco
Lima – Perú
RUC 20266596805
Unit will not start.
Battery pack not installed properly.
Check battery pack installation.
Battery pack not charged.
Check battery pack charging
Unit starts immediately upon inserting
The switch has been left in the “On”
The switch must be moved to “Off”
to prevent the tool from immediately
starting when battery is inserted
Battery pack will not charge
Battery pack not inserted into charger.
Insert battery pack into charger until
LED lights.
Charger not plugged tin.
Plug charger into a working out let.
Refer to “Important charging notes”
for more details.
Surrounding air temperature too hot
or too cold.
Move charger and battery pack to a
surrounding air temperature of above
40°F (4,5°C) or below 105°F +40,5°C).
Unit shuts off abruptly.
Battery pack has reached its maximum
thermal limit.
Allow battery pack to cool down.
Out of charge. (To maximize the life
of the battery pack it is designed to
shut off abruptly when the charge is
Place on charger and allow to charge.