Q: How come my display voltage is lower than the voltage I set?
This is often because of the resistances from the test leads/wires connected between the
supply and the DUT (device under test), which causes a drop in voltage. To minimize this
drop, use remote sense terminals to compensate and output a more accurate voltage to
the DUT.
Q: I cannot set voltage at the maximum rating.
This may be that the set voltage is outside of the voltage maximum limit. Refer to the
MaxVolt section of the manual and set this value above the voltage that is being entered.
This can also be set to the limit of the power supplies range, which in effect turns off the
MaxVolt function.
Remote Control
Q: I am trying to send the commands over RS232, but it does not seem to respond.
Check that you are sending ASCII strings that are terminated with a CR (carriage return) and
LF (linefeed) character.
For RS-232, check that the baud rate, parity, data bits, stop bit, and flow control settings
match with the settings configured on both the software interface and the power supply