1 to 49. Non integer values are rounded before execution
Common Command
Example: *SAV 25
Stored setting location 0 stores the factory defaults, and is a read-only location. Location 50 stores a copy
of the current instrument setting, and it, too, is read-only.
4.13 Instrument Control Commands
Instrument control commands are grouped into logical subsystems according to the SCPI instrument model. They
can be used when interfacing with GPIB or RS-232. The commands are comprised of mnemonics indicating the
subsystem to which the command belongs, and the hierarchy within that subsystem. When the command is to be
referred to the Root node, it should be prefixed with a colon (:). Mnemonics appearing in square brackets [...] are
optional. The '|' character is used to denote a choice of specifications. The '<ws>' is used to denote a white space
4.13.1 SOURce Subsystem
The Source Subsystem controls the frequency, voltage, amplitude modulation and clock source. The command
structure is as follows:
[:CW|:FIXed] <numeric value>
[:SHAPe] SINusoid|SQUare|TRIangle|ARBitrary|PULSe
: DCYCle ] <numeric value>
[:AMPLitude] <numeric value>
:OFFSet <numeric value>
[:SOURCE] INTernal |EXTernal
[:STATe] <Boolean>
:DEPTh <numeric value>
:SHAPe SINusoid|SQUare|TRIangle
:FREQuency <numeric value>
:SOURce INTernal |EXTernal
[:STATe] <Boolean>
:DEViation <numeric value>
:SHAPe SINusoid|SQUare|TRIangle
:FREQuency <numeric value>
:SOURce INTernal |EXTernal
[:STATe] <Boolean>
:LOWFrequency <numeric value>
:HIFrequency <numeric value>