2.11 GPIB Address
The instrument is shipped with the address set to decimal 9. The address can be changed from the front panel by using the
"UTILITY" menu.
2.11.1 Communication Speed Chart
The 4076 and 4079 have the capabilities of generating large arbitrary waveforms with up to 4,000,000 points. As
a general reference, the GPIB interface can send and receive 1,000,000 points within less than 12 minutes.
Note: When GPIB is used, transferring in blocks of 100,000 points at a time is recommended to avoid any transfer
2.12 GPIB Connections
The rear panel GPIB connector is an AMPHENOL 57-10240 or equivalent, and connects to a standard IEEE-488
bus cable connector. The GPIB line screens are not isolated from chassis and signal ground.