Sparrow-Free Magic Halo’s unique properties exclude messy, greedy, aggressive
sparrows from your feeder WITHOUT discouraging other birds! This has several
benefits to your feeding program. It will virtually eliminate visits by house sparrows,
and significantly reduce visits by blue jays and common grackles, without affecting
visits by other, desirable birds. With ugly, messy, invasive pest birds out of the way,
desirable native birds have
• better access to, and less competition at, your feeder
• more food (and none of it gets wasted on pests)
• more time for predator scanning
— resulting in a larger, more colorful and beautiful selection of birds at your feeder.
In fact, the halo and hanging monofilaments even acts as a haven for such species as
finches, chickadees and others.
Sparrow-Free Magic Halo is effective on all feeders: hanging, tube, stationary (pole-
mounted) or hopper